
John Gruber – Daring Fireball:

It’s not as good as true per-tab favicon support in Safari would be, but it’s closer than you think. And, importantly, it really is a clean hack, insofar as it doesn’t inject code or anything like that. And it’s free. If you use Safari you should try it.

I’ll echo Gruber’s comments as far as they go, but add that Daniel Alm’s neat hack Faviconographer comes up short in one critical way, one it cannot remedy. Safari is coded to stack all open tabs nearly one atop another beyond the first ten. The only way to see each tab’s page name beyond the tenth, or indeed the favicon exposed by Faviconographer is to click or control-tab through the tabs one by one.

How to add favicons to Safari tabs and bookmarks!

Faviconographer: a little utility that displays favicons for the tabs you have opened in Safari. Posted by 3 years ago. Faviconographer: a. See full list on timingapp.com. Sizes realfavicongenerator online missing maker icon how from faviconographer examples code bar app 32x32 design icons favicon How to have favicon/icon set when bookmarklet dragged to toolbar? Are there free iPhone navigation bar icon sets available? Sep 11, 2017 Faviconographer: Tab Favicons in Safari for Mac. Mtf dress up games. Daniel Alm (developer of the excellent time-tracking app Timing). Faviconographer asks Safari.app for a list of all visible tabs (and their positions) in the current window, and for the URLs of those tabs.

This UI choice makes Safari’s, well, chrome mildly annoying for those who keep a dozen or two tabs open all the time. It’s the reason I reluctantly moved from it last year.

Chrome, in contrast, exposes all open tabs uniformly wide enough to at least fit a favicon. It’s a small thing, but makes the UI simpler. I have a visible click target for each of my open tabs all the time.

See Full List On Timingapp.com


Faviconographer cannot undo what Apple has hard-coded in. It does, however, get you halfway there.

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Easy Way to add Favicon WordPress Website or Blog | Creating a Favicon | wordpress site icon

#Chrome #Safari #Faviconographer #Daniel #Alm #John #Gruber #Daring #Fireball

Daniel Alm’s Faviconographer utility, a handy Safari-centric tool that allows favicons in the browser’s tab bar, has received its first update. Version 1.1 of Faviconographer brings several improvements and bug fixes to the table.

If you like Safari, but have always disliked the fact that it doesn’t include favicons on the tab bar for easy tab identification, then Faviconographer is a third-party utility worth checking out.

Version 1.1, just released today, comes with the following changes and fixes. These changes are headlined by the ability to display icons from previous sessions that have been reopened in Safari 11:

  • Improvement: Faviconographer should now be able to display icons for tabs that Safari 11 has re-opened from a previous session, even when they were never visited during this Safari session. (Safari 11 no longer provides URLs for re-opened tabs that have not yet been visited during this session, so Faviconographer now caches the mappings of Tab Title to URL and persists that cache to disk.)
  • Improvement/Bugfix: Faviconographer should no longer draw Favicons over the “Downloads” popover.
  • Improvement/Bugfix: Faviconographer will now use Safari Technology Preview’s own Favicon cache when using that browser, so it should now be able to display more Favicons when using STP.
  • Improvement/Bugfix: Reduced the likelihood of accidentally drawing the wrong Favicon for some tabs. Let us know if you still encounter wrong Favicons from time to time.
  • Bugfix: Faviconographer should now work properly with Russian versions of Safari.
  • Bugfix: Fixed the “Check for Updates” button.
  • Minor Improvement: Slightly improved performance and reduced CPU/power usage (even though those should already have been fine before).Plus a few more minor tweaks and copy fixes.


We previously covered Faviconographer in a hands-on video walkthrough. We found that, although it’s not a perfect solution, it’s the best answer that you’ll find for Safari’s lackadaisical Favicon support. Watch our full video below, and be sure to visit Faviconographer’s web page for more details.

Videos For Faviconographer


Faviconographer - Favicons For Your Safari Tabs | Product Hunt

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